Sunday, November 6, 2011

Athena and Aries

I have the pleasure of announcing Athena and Aries as our spotlight pups for October!

Athena came to us as a behavior modification and basic obedience client almost 3 yrs ago. Typical hyperactivity for a young pup, but as she developed her relationship with her new owners we discovered her anxiety towards other dogs.

Herill and Kat, her owners excelled at obedience, perfect students, and Athena craved training and a leader. It was a match made in heaven. Thru the course of a year Athena met many new dogs, attended group classes, boot camp, festivals, training walks and even dog parks. She has grown and excelled in her training beyond belief. I am very proud of them all.

One thing has been missing in Athena's rehabilitation....a companion. She wanted a playmate, but it always got out of hand. She needed the right dog that matched her personality. After a few mismatches, Athena's answer has come to fruition, Aries.

Aries, was abandoned by his owners and boarder at facility where the workers cared for him. I picked him up from there, and drive him over to Kat and Herill's. This was their first meeting and it was love. Athena was excited, her typical greeting was corrected and the courting period began. Herill was the perfect student/trainer in training. And now two weeks later Athena has the pack mate she always needed. Aries doesn't leave her side, and Athena is smitten. I am very happy for them all. What started out as a fostering for Aries has turned into a family, what better end to a story is there!