Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wonder Dogs!

Let me introduce Wonder and his big sister Millie! I first met Millie last year, when she had problems adjusting to her new home and family, cats, crates, eating...everything. Owners JR and Katya were and are wonderfully responsible pit bull owners who know the stereotypes and were determine to prove the breed otherwise. Millie turned in to an A+ student, learning house manners like a pro. So who did Katya bring home? Wonder! He was just a pup, who had had a rough beginning. Undernourished, scars on his face, hyperactive, no manners, but sweet as can be. He joined the rollerblading club with Millie and was on his way to being a calmer happier pup. He stayed with me a few times to learn how to be a little calmer around new dogs. He attended a group puppy obedience and socialization class I teach at Best Friends Pet Care in Rockville, and by the end of the 6 weeks he was playing with his best friend in class, off leash. He has come a long way, and these two pitties have made a great dent in showing the community how wonderful the breed can be. I'm so proud of you, and your parents Katya and JR. 4 Paws up for Wonder and Millie!

For more about Wonder and Millie visit Oh My Dog